Friday, July 3, 2009

A Gray June

david & pam

Dear Friends,

Please forgive us! Yet again, we're terribly behind in our posts. This has been a hard month for One & Supp. June is usually such an inspirational month - CSA's start, the weather warms up, backyard seedlings magically transform into hearty plants, the days grow longer - but this June has felt particularly gray.

Even before the weeks of rain set in, things felt decidedly gloomy around our house as we mourned the tragic and sudden loss of our sweet dog, Mr. Pam. Without her, our house, our patterns and routines have all shifted. It is taking us time to readjust and refocus. Luckily, in the last few days, we've seen glimpses of the sun, our CSA has been bountiful, and we've been compelled to get back in the kitchen. Perhaps this year July will be our month of inspiration.

With love,

One & Supp

1 comment:

Jennette said...

Take all the time you need. Love and hugs and chocolate kisses from me.